Synthetic Transport

Combining separate elements to form a coherent whole.
To carry away with vehement emotion, as joy, sorrow, complacency, anger, etc.; to ravish with pleasure or ecstasy; as, music transports the soul.

Recumbent Bicycle Performance Products

The pioneers and experts in low seat angle performance riding.

Are you interested in a new type of carbon-fiber seat and tailbox designed for high-performance riders? A mechanically and aerodynamically efficient low-angle seat to launch you to new performance levels?

Introducing the (even faster) new RailGun GT seat!

We took our successful RailGun seat, made it slightly wider, made the tailbox slightly larger and aerodynamic and about doubled the available storage space. The old seat was scanned so we could design the GT using CAD capabilities, machined high density urethane foam masters (images) and build molds from them. We also changed the design to make it far easier to build the tailbox as well as to make it stronger and more durable.

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Under "No good deed goes unpunished.": Criminal cops kidnap, beat up and file false felony charges against a 64 yr old crippled man for saying "Sir, there is no bike lane on this road"

Full Story

At every step of this series of criminal assaults, I completely underestimated the criminally malicious, retaliatory violence and lies of law enforcement. From the couple of dozen crimes the originating officer was committing against cyclists that I know of, the blatant disregard for the law, the predatory sexual perversion of the kidnapping officers who also tore the muscles in my shoulders and smashed my head multiple times, making it so I can't even go for short walks with my two year old grandson, and later tried to force their way into our home, to the treatment by the court, who knew full well I had done nothing wrong and knew the extent of the crimes against my family. It is this very sort of violent criminal behavior on the part of "law enforcement" that destroys the lives of decent people and families and is forcing cities like Austin, TX, where I grew up, to defund their police and is causing the demonstrations in Portland, OR. By the way, when cops tell you to empty your pockets, don't do it! That is simply their excuse to attack and beat you up and claim you were resisting arrest.

What really astonished me is that not a single rider on that SPBC ride that I defended offered to help me. They all rode away as fast as they could and then also ran away from their responsibilities as citizens and cyclists. The criminal behavior of the cops and court has been going on for some time, I have been told, and the St Pete riders have done nothing to try to make things safer for cyclists there. They are truly the most cowardly people I have ever personally known.

It has been make clear through various threats that we are no longer safe living where we were so had to sell our house and move to safer living quarters.

Standing up for your rights is a implicit requirement for Citizenship in this country. When you refuse to stand up for your rights, you endanger everyone who tries to do their civic duty.

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Nov 22, 2020